A Very Unique Coin Purse

The Front of the coin purse.
This very special hard leather coin purse was shown to me by someone who had bought it in Germany. Its construction was a point of interest. It was made of two shaped halves of leather that was glued together, but there is no visible glue to be seen. The outside is so perfect, that we gathered it was molded inside a mold, maybe while it was filled with a hard wax, which could have been melted out of the inside.
However it was made, it is perfect - when it is closed, it is a very smooth hard nicely shaped heart.

The back of the purse - the quarter is there to show size. the feint line you see on this side is the seam where the purse opens. The sewn on strap acts as the hinge.

Here you see the 'lid' open - it is a perfect fit, obviously cut after the purse was shaped.

Here you can see the remarkable part of this unique piece - the seam where the top and bottom halves were joined - there is no sign of glue at all - the only thing you can see is clear on this photo: the seam was trimmed after it was glued.

See the very smooth inside of the purse - almost waxy. It made me think that it was probably formed around hard wax, which would then have been melted out. There is NO sign of any glue to be seen on the inside of the seam.
I would kill to find the maker of these. I bought one in Saugatuck,MI and only know that it is from Germany, too.
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