This was a scene to see – the little white dog decided it was far too warm to walk in the sun, and he stayed well below the in-built sunshade his owner was wearing. Most of the time you could just see four white paws, trotting along……
New Blog Software
My blog has now been shifted to WordPress, where it previously ran on MovableType.
And the transition was relatively painless….
Renaissance Festival
Wilhelm in the parade at the Festival – he carries tha banner for one of the leather booths.
This movie is only .54Mb and should not take so long to download…
Renaissance festival – Pirates
Here is a 1.9Mb movie showing Jacques playing a Pirate game – little wooden boats on the lawn. He is the one with the red hair…!
Renaissance Festival
This is a video of the Herpetological Society during the parade at the 2005 Renaissance Festival.
Summer Photography
I am still discovering the marvels of my new digital camara – a small Canon SD200. Here are some pics from last weekend. The little bug was just 1/8th inch in total length.
Here is a bit more detail:
So Mommy decided she needs more storage space and Uncle Sam supplied some tax money…..
This afternoon Troy and Noami came over and we erected this shed in two hours – everything just clicked and fitted together!
Where is spring?
It is in the Flowers!
It is also a time to be outside – perfect weather, like the champagne weather of Cape Town in April!
With the dark storm clouds receding in the east, the setting sun presents a beautiful rainbow for an inspired phot oportunity.
Gina’s friend Barb, brought her roto-tiller over so that Gina could plough over one of the beds she wants to start a new garden in. Around nine o’clock it is still dusk and soon we will have daylight until close to ten.
A lot of Snow
Last weekend this huge band of snow krept through the south of Minnesota and dumped about nine inches where we live. Five miles north of us, nothing. Ten miles south of us, fifteen inches.
The boys enjoyed the snow. So did I! We had a big snowball fight – it was warm enough and the snow wet enough so that you could form perfect snowballs to throw with.
(The boys are on a long hair campaign – the only provision – they have to keep it VERY clean, or lose it.)