Started the morning slow.
Watched our church’s streamed service. But I am disappointed in how they do it now: It is not a real Live stream – they just stream a video that was recorded earlier the week. And yet the dude still starts with “Happy Sunday….!” NO! It was Thursday or whatever when you said that.
In these days of little human contact, we can only have virtual church services. But then it has to be real! Authentic. Actually live.
Rant over….
I worked further on the Bible box. Almost done.
And I made a new batch of dried Boerewors: Dried ground beef with a few spices in / extruded with a jerky gun / dried under a fan / left a few more days under the fan to oxidize / enjoyed!!!!

I did work out partly why I do not deal with this Covid19 situation so well. Despite my constant supply of Droē wors. And a loving family. And a creative hobby. And so many other things to be grateful for.
I used to work for the Red Crass as phlebotomist and bloodmobile bus driver. Every day was at a different start time, a different vehicle, a different location, a different role, a different crew.
I did not realize how much stress this placed on my particular personality until my first day not working for the ARC : I woke up and proclaimed loudly “This whole weekend I do not have to go onto the computer and figure out when I work with whom doing what!!!!”
And so I think that is also the situation now. Today I decided to prepare mentally for maybe going back to work in a week’s time. But this is accompanied by “…but it might not happen…..”.
I just don’t think I deal well with so many unknowns.